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Norfolk & Yorkshire based certified Ecommerce experts. Learn design, development and marketing tips from our articles.

Facebook Best Practice Guide


There is much spoken about the value of Facebook in the digital marketing of businesses. As the world`s most popular social media platform (at the moment), Facebook appears to be something that businesses would be silly to ignore. Using social media for business is becoming increasingly important, so what can using Facebook for business do to boost your digital marketing and cultivate success?

The Ultimate List of eCommerce Marketing Tips - Part One


Ecommerce marketing can be problematic. Problematic in the same way an infant can be problematic when trying to decipher the right balance between tough love and love. Naturally, you want to do the most for your ecommerce baby but, sometimes, you’re unsure if you’re actually helping it grow into the fine specimen you envisaged at the start or hindering its potential.

eCommerce Wish List for 2016


Did anyone else notice that the Christmas lists received from their loved ones last year had miraculously expanded? Now containing such absurd anomalies which you can barely pronounce and other items of which you never knew existed, these lists have become ludicrous! And I think I know why. Prior to the internet, as a child, we’d maybe get the chance to sift through an Argos catalogue or witness a spellbinding TV advert in between an episode of The Rugrats and it was these few and far between opportunities which helped us dream up and conjure our wish list to Santa:

Ten Tips to Seasonal E-Commerce Success


Just like most other business, the festive period is a time when e-commerce retailers especially, look for a boost in their Christmas business. Whether it is gifts, food and drink, home decorations, holidays or something else, this is a period where people spend, and retailers look to maximise their sales at this time.

Tips for Link Building on your E-Commerce Site


For those with an e-commerce business, building links should be an important part of your marketing and SEO strategy. Not only does having links to your site from others help in creating new website traffic to yours, having a good quantity and good quality links can be instrumental in where Google places your site in the search engine rankings

5 Ecommerce Essentials before you set up your own site


Any credible captain of a ship should invest in a plethora of research about their journey before they head off on a maiden voyage. It’s no different when you’re setting up your own ecommerce shop for the very first time either. This sort of expedition will not be easy. You’ll have to ride rough waves before any smooth sailing occurs and it’ll be a long time before you anchor down and moor-up for a good night’s rest. However, the following ecommerce site set up tips should strengthen your hull.

10 Benefits for choosing Magento to run your online store


If you are considering migrating your site you might be wondering what platform to use. Magento is one of the most popular options, liked by both e-commerce business owners and web developers. If you’re still not convinced, here’s 10 benefits Magento.

How cart abandonment software can increase conversions


There can be many reasons why a customer may abandon their cart. Perhaps the checkout process is too confusing, they might have gone away to think about it before their return to buy, or they simply might have changed their mind. Understanding the reasons why, and trying to prevent any issues that can cause a shopper to abandon their carts can be a very knowledgeable tool in ecommerce. Here are a few of the main reasons why customers could abandon their baskets, and tips on how to solve them.

Streamlining your online business


You might have thought that not having a premises might mean you need less people power in your business, however when you discover just how much work there is to do in maintaining an eCommerce site you probably reassessed the situation. There are a few simple tips you can learn to streamline your online business and have it running not only smoother, but more efficient.

Choosing an online business name? Here


So, you’ve got the big idea and you’ve decided to go ahead and set up and e-commerce business. But there’s just one thing, you’re stuck on the name! Naming your business, and website, is one of the most important stages to your business plan as it is what customers will remember. Here are a few top tips to try and make the process a little easier.

Why Schema is Important for Search Engine Optimisation


Though search engines are becoming increasingly clever, a little help from schema attributes improves page interpretation considerably. Google's latest algorithm updates have included reliability of content, how questions are posed and of course, whether your site is mobile friendly. However, search engines still like things simple and in some cases - obvious.

How website faceted search improves the buying experience


User experience is as crucial as Search Engine Optimisation on a website. If users can easily navigate your site, they will come back to it. There's no point having a fully optimised site that just isn't converting into sales because of blockers on the user's journey. One way to make the path a little easier is to use faceted search. Read more to discover how it can help to improve user's experience on your website.

Post-sale Marketing Ideas


The journey doesn’t end for your company once customers have made a sale - there’s just as much work to be done in this process as there is in the selling strategy. If they are happy with their product and the service you provided it’s likely they’ll come back again, but in order to guarantee that there are a few steps you can follow post-sale to gain their loyalty.

How to Build a Successful Online Brand


It’s important to remember that although your business hours may be 9-5, your website is available for customers 24hrs a day, all over the world. With this in mind, it’s necessary to the company that your brand is well represented - even when you’re asleep.

Tips to Creating a More Usable E-Commerce Website


E-commerce is a fast growing phenomenon in today's online world. In many ways running an online shop is a lot more profitable than an offline shop as you have a lot fewer overheads – spending less money on premises, and staff, for starters.

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