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Norfolk & Yorkshire based certified Ecommerce experts. Learn design, development and marketing tips from our articles.

Choosing Affiliate Partners


For e-commerce businesses, affiliate partners are a great way to find new customers, as well as earn some extra money from other websites. By owning an online company, your competition has turned from being localised on the high street to worldwide – which is why e-commerce marketing needs new tactics.

Ecommerce Strategy Satellite Navigation


As intensive as setting up an ecommerce store is, one shouldn’t rest on their laurels once those roots have taken hold and begun to establish themselves. No, what you need to do next is explore!

Top Ten Magento Security Savers


The fact that Magento is the renowned pinnacle of ecommerce software it naturally becomes the targeted platform for hackers, especially when it comes to lifting your customer’s credit card and personal details.

Working with Nosto and its Benefits


There are many directions that the internet it taking the experience of shopping. One thing which has occurred more in the past is that people are using the internet to research products or services that they are looking to buy, and then going out and buying them on the high street – or from specific shops.

How Use Newsletters and Competitions to Retain Customers


Most businesses online focus heavily on winning new business, through a mixture of SEO, social media and online advertising. But actually a much more effective way to do business is to focus on retaining the customers which you already have.

All you need to know about becoming PCI Compliant


One of the biggest factors in the business world today is trust. It seems that business has come a full circle since the concept of the high street was born. Back in those times we bought from our friends, those who we knew and that we trusted – Mr. Smith the greengrocer and Mr. Black the tailor. As capitalism took hold, we saw an emergence of chain stores and bigger, grander one-stop shops – huge supermarkets where we could buy everything from our weekly shop to school clothes, through to the kitchen sink.

Online Up selling Techniques to Boost Sales


Anyone who is familiar with business today will know about the value of up selling in the marketplace. Regardless of whether you are on a shop floor or an eCommerce site, up selling is an effective way of maximising the result of a sale.

Steps to Steamlining your Product Photography Workflow


When it comes to a decent product display on your website,a great way to show people exactly what you are selling – and what they are (hopefully) buying is through good product photography. This is especially important for e-commerce as there is no physical shop or showroom that people can look around

Automating your Social Media Marketing


There are many good things about using social media for the marketing of your business. In fact, social media has completely revolutionised the way that we market our businesses. It has allowed us to promote our businesses on a worldwide scale, forge strong and long lasting, two-way relationships with our customers and given us a whole new way to engage and brand our companies.

The Battle of the Ecommerce Giants: Bigcommerce Vs Magento


The toing and froing can be tedious whilst contemplating which ecommerce solution to choose for your business but, when it comes down to it, it’s only going to be between two brands: Bigcommerce & Magento.

How to Reduce Cart Abandonment on your Website


So you spend hours and hours designing and building your website, and then more time and money promoting it, engaging with social media, testing and re-testing Pay Per Click keywords - doing everything that you are supposed to be doing. And your efforts are paying off - people are coming to your website.

Everyday Marketing Errors in Ecommerce


The ecommerce market is a crowded place. Now, imagine if it was real market with stalls, hundreds and thousands of stalls, with a bustling bunch of customers crammed in to it. This is what it’s like online and because of the vast competition, it would be very difficult to push your product under the customer’s nose wouldn’t it?

E-Commerce - Magento vs Shopify Platforms


The internet has changed a lot about the way that we live our lives and do business. One of the biggest changes that it is making in the business world is the rise of e-commerce. This is where people run their business almost entirely online, meaning that they can offer excellent customer service, better prices thanks to lower overheads and streamlined business procedures.

The Ultimate List of Ecommerce Marketing Tips - Part Two


If you’re still with us then we’re assuming you’ve not given up on your ecommerce baby just yet? Granted, you may’ve thought about certain procedures in order to escape ecommerce parenthood but, we promise, if you take on board these next bits of advice your baby will begin to blossom.

20 Tips for E-Commerce Design Usability


With technological developments and the way that the internet is evolving, one area that is becoming increasingly popular is e-commerce. There are many benefits to running a business almost entirely online, including little to no overheads, and being able to market to the whole world and not just to people who are local to you.

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