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Streamlining your online business

You might have thought that not having a premises might mean you need less people power in your business, however when you discover just how much work there is to do in maintaining an eCommerce site you probably reassessed the situation. There are a few simple tips you can learn to streamline your online business and have it running not only smoother, but more efficient.

Streamlining your online business

You might have thought that not having a premises might mean you need less people power in your business, however when you discover just how much work there is to do in maintaining an eCommerce site you probably reassessed the situation. There are a few simple tips you can learn to streamline your online business and have it running not only smoother, but more efficient.

Tip 1. Remember what you’re good at
There’s nothing wrong with not knowing the ins and outs of marketing, or perhaps HTML isn’t your strong point. Sure, it’d be ideal to know all of these things but that doesn’t mean your website and business has to suffer in the meantime. Consider using an agency who offer specialist services to help where you feel less confident. Maybe they could optimise your site, conduct a redesign or even take care of your HR tasks– they’ll be able to provide more insight and have your business and site performing better whilst you gradually learn the ropes.

Tip 2. Set up online banking
Though it might sound like an obvious thing to consider, setting up your company with an online bank account can save you so much time in the long run. You won’t have to worry about cheques to wholesalers not clearing in time or staff payments not going through if you can have it all on screen.

Tip 3. Have an employment criteria
If you set up your job application forms online you can format them so you have a set criteria and only assess those who meet above the standards. If you don’t find someone suitable within this set, you could then assess others however it could save you a lot of time in the long run. It’s also key to give people a trial or test so that you can be sure the position is suited for both you and them.

Tip 4. Set up an online time-sheet
If you’re worrying about how much time your staff are spending on specific tasks you can ask them to log their hours on an online timesheet. There are many software options available that will help this task such as TimeCurve Scheduler or Asgard System’s Time Tracker. Remember that it’s not about keeping tabs on your staff, it’s about making sure tasks are being conducted efficiently. These tools can also help you to discover root causes if tasks are taking too long to complete.

Tip 5. Use a cloud
Saving all of your documents onto one online multiple access source can be a stress saver. If you alter your computer settings to automatically save documents online it means both you and others can access them from their phones, tablets and laptops wherever they are. Consider using other platforms such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Tip 6. Set a boundary
Although at times it is easier said than done, you need to set specific boundaries when it comes to tasks. Be wary of staff meetings or conference calls overrunning, consider how long you are spending emailing back and forth when a simple call to explain the issue might suffice. Remember to take a break each day to give your brain a rest, for the benefit of both you and your business.

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