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Magento adds Braintree PayPal to their arsenal

Magento just added Braintree PayPal to their arsenal of payment processors. Read what it brings to the customers here!

Magento adds Braintree PayPal to their arsenal

Magento is well known as one of the most dominant eCommerce platforms in the world. A strong ecosystem of integration partners enables it to be one of the most popular tools for creating online stores. Still, there are some downsides of the classical approach, especially in the mobile app segment, so Magento decided to react and provide a new, improved, and seamless experience for their users.


The first step towards achieving this was launching their PWA (Progressive Web Applications). This is a service that allows merchants to easily and seamlessly create their own mobile apps, without having to resort to a slow and expensive process of developing them as native apps. 

In simple words, this service allows creating apps that serve as websites at the same time, thus they are available for all users, without the actual need to install those apps to their phones.

The only problem was that there was no payment processing option available off the shelf, until now.

With this latest integration, setting up a payment method to your PWA based app takes only a few minutes and requires minimal configuration, as opposed to what was the case before this integration. In this way, the merchants are able to carry out everything much faster than before, and with much fewer expenses.

The process is especially fast for the merchants who already have their accounts at Braintree, but even if they don’t it is a relatively straightforward process that can be wrapped up quite quickly.

The implications

By adding Braintree to their PWA service, Magento managed to achieve several goals at the same time. Generating apps all of a sudden became much simpler and faster, so more merchants whose operations are based on Magento will be able to enter the mobile market with their apps. Since this is a next evolutionary step for the merchants who resorted to responsive design alone, and since mobile takes up the majority of the market nowadays, it is clear that this is a move in the right direction. It is to be expected that further services will be added to the Magento PWA.

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